What are Dentures & Partials?
Both dentures and partials are prosthetic appliances that help to replace missing dentition in the mouth. Full dentures are used to replace an entire arch of missing teeth. Partial dentures are useful when you still have a good deal of your natural teeth, but need an appliance that replaces multiple teeth that are missing. Dentures and partials can easily last for about five to seven years before they should be replaced.
Why are Dentures & Partials needed?
Dentures and partials are needed not only to cosmetically improve the look of your smile, but to improve oral functioning. If you’ve been unable to enjoy your favorite foods because of missing teeth, you’ll no longer need to avoid them because of how dentures are able to fill in your smile. In some cases, you’ll need to have extractions done before any type of denture is made for you. This is especially true for patients with advanced gum disease, or for those who have decayed or loose teeth.
Who is a good candidate for Dentures & Partials?
Patients who are missing a lot of their natural teeth are good candidates for dentures. If you have severely advanced gum disease, we may suggest that you have extractions done prior to any type of denture being made for you. Dentures are durable and long-lasting. They are custom-made for each individual patient so that they are comfortable and look completely natural.

What happens during the Denture & Partial procedure?
We will take impressions of your teeth and mouth to use these molds to create your new denture. The denture is crafted specifically to your needs, and is fitted at your next appointment. It’s not uncommon to need a few adjustments before the denture fits perfectly. It is important that you remove the denture nightly to clean and soak it. You may need to replace the denture after about seven years, or when it starts showing signs of wear. Certain factors and habits can contribute to the life span of your denture and will affect how long it’ll last.

Let us help
If you think you might need a denture or a partial, call our office today, and we can help to get you in for an appointment.